Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Can you believe it...

As I write this there are fewer than seven days remaining in this incredibly long campaign season. I can only hope that voters will get a bit of a break before the next Presidential campaign season gets underway, but I'm not too optimistic. I would like to encourage everyone to vote, who ever you support get out there and exercise your right to be part of the decision. If you're reading this before Thursday of this week, remember you can vote early at various locations in whatever county you call home. I Early Voted for the first time ever this year and I suspect I will again; it means I won't have to make time during a work day and I get to make my voice heard. So however you choose to vote...whoever you choose to vote for and where ever you VOTE.

Here's what's going on in the newsroom today. Our morning anchor Bob Lorenz is on vacation through the end of this week, Gary Zidek will be there to get you started on both Thursday and Friday and I'll take you home. Tonight on Final Edition we have a couple of really interesting stories for you, especially in these final days of the campaign season. Gary talked with the resident scholar of the McCormick Freedom Museum about political polling and how the science
of polling has improved over the years. The discussion also touched on the critical swing states during this Presidential election. Meantime, you've probably gotten a mailer or two or seen advertising in opposition to the Illinois Constitutional Convention referendum. I talked with one of the people that hopes voters will support the ballot question. State Representative Jack Franks says the opponents of the referendum are lying to voters. It's Wednesday, so Final Edition will also have our weekly wellness segment. Be sure to join us tonight at six.